In the News
Biogas all the way
TRG is proud to announce its involvement in the biogas community of Canada. Please see this important document on biogas from the Canadian Digestate Management Guide by the Canadian Biogas Association.
Appointment to Vice Chair and standards liaison
The ASME B31 Process Piping Code subcommittee H – high purity has appointed Mr. Rob McGregor, P.Eng to be Vice Chair of the subcommittee, and the B31.3 Code Executive committee has appointed Mr. McGregor to the position of technical liaison between the ASME Bioprocessing Equipment standard and ASME B31.3.- Aug 2023
On-demand Training
Titan Research Group now offers affordable online on demand training!
Visit our course page, or click on any of the links below:
Piping Design for Industrial Facilities – only US$128.96
How to Build a Safe B31.3 Piping System and What are the Canadian Regulatory Requirements? – only US$108.43
High Purity Design, Fabrication and Inspection: ASME BPE Standard – only US$122.15
Regulatory and Code news:
- In the 2022 year end newsletter from ABSA an article on Integrity Assessment Organizations (IAOs):
- ABSA inspects all pressure equipment where members of the public may be close to that equipment and not realize the hazards involved. In other words equipment that can affect the general population cannot be inspected by a privately employed inspector.
- The article goes on to enumerate the conditions were privately employed inspectors (PEI) can be used:
- a PEI must be employed by an IOA and trained and qualified for the equipment they are inspecting
- The IOA must be registered by ABSA with a scope of practice detailing the work type they are performing
- The work performed but the PEI must not be deemed “public occupancy” by ABSA. This should be clarified by ABSA.
- Owners must contract with the IOA so that the IOA can represent the owner when submitting results of the inspection to ABSA.
- The PEI may only perform the scope of work defined in the quality management system (QMS).
- The PEI is recommended by ABSA because:
- they help prepare the vessel for inspection by ABSA
- IAOs perform beyond the minimum inspection and can offer a remaining life assessment of the equipment
- The owners get a predict, repair and replacement strategy from an PEI
- PEI’s can schedule inspection more flexibly
- Can help maximize the life of equipment by offering operational advice and strategies.
- In remote locations it costs less to use an IOA PEI.
- We get asked about accredited laboratories. Here is a helpful list of a few compilations organized by country:
- TRG releases new newsletter CRN_NEWS_FALL 2021 – Sept. 2021
- Check out the Reconciliation Agreement for Canadian Registration Numbers (CRN) which makes it easier to obtain a CRN without technical review once approved in one of the participating provinces (note Alberta and ACI Central are not currently participating): Reconciliation Agreement – February 1, 2021
- TSSA.org has released as statement that the exemption for farmers from O.REG.220 will be retracted as of July 17, 2021. This means added costs and red tape for farmers. the change came in the wake of several accidents over the years at farms involving boilers. Here is a good article on the matter.
- TSSA.org releases statement on reciprocal approvals follow the link – Jan. 2020
- Beginning January 1, 2020 design reviews conducted by provinces and territories in Canada will be mutually recognized by those jurisdictions participating in the Reconciliation Agreement for the Canadian Registration Number (CRN) for Pressure Equipment. With a single design review being conducted, the system is becoming more streamlined and efficient.Participating jurisdictions include British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Québec, Saskatchewan, and Yukon. For more information, please contact customerservice@tssa.org. – January 2020
- TSSA.org has followed Manitoba‘s lead in adopting the Premier’s mandate to reduce interprovincial barriers to CRN registration by accepting reciprocally CRN applications without second technical review – Jan. 2020
- TRG successfully lobbies the re-opening of ACI Central (ACICRN.com) and its acceptance of electronic submissions during COVID-19 – March 2020
- TRG successfully lobbies numerous safety authorities to eliminate notarization due to social distancing requirements during COVID-19 – March 2020
- see ABSA.ca homepage for the province of Alberta
- see TSSA electronic submission guide for the province of Ontario
- see RBQ for the province of Quebec
- see Technical Safety BC for the province of British Columbia
- Manitoba is the first province to adopt the Premier’s mandate to reduce interprovincial barriers to CRN registration – 1 Jun 2019
- A CRN consortium has been formed and is on the brink of finalizing a national harmonization agreement. See the news release here. – Feb. 29, 2019
- Progress made in reciprocal recognition of CRNs. – Dec. 11, 2018
- Premiers Deliver Progress on Internal Trade Barriers – 2018
- CRN system identified as costly and a barrier to interprovincial trade by the Premiers of Canada – July 26, 2018
- A consortium to lobby change of the CRN process has been formed. – April 5, 2017
- Manitoba, Saskatchewan, RBQ and British Columbia now exempt Categories A, B, C & G fittings from CRN requirements. See our CRN map. – July 20, 2019
- ABSA has made updates to its AB-41 as of June 1, 2019. ab-041
- RBQ has issues a new statutory declaration fittings as of April, 2019. RBQ
- News: Additional fees may be hitting Ontario boiler and pressure vessel owners after the feedback period of the Ontario government review of the Boiler and Pressure Vessels regulation. Read for yourself. Get involved. – July 1, 2019
- Building code adoption status Canada-wide – Aug. 2, 2019
- Ontario O.REG.220 is set to update. Read the the proposed changes.
- Ontario Auditor General criticizes TSSA.org for multiple shortcomings. Read here. or see relevant excerpts from the AGreport.
Titan Research Group news (updated July 2019)
- Titan Research Group proudly announces its new inspection branch. Some of the licenses held by TRG inspector associates are as follows:
American Welding Society Certified Welding Inspector (CWI)
- CSA W178.2 Level 2-CWB Certified Welding Inspector
American Petroleum Institute 510 (API 510) Certified Pressure Vessel Inspector
American Petroleum Institute 570 (API 570) Certified Piping Inspector
American Petroleum Institute 580 (API 580) Risk Based Inspection Certification
National Board Pressure Equipment Inspector-In Service/Repair
ABSA In-Service Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspector (IBPV)
NACE Coating Inspector Level 1
- Titan Research Group is now providing the following QMS services:
- Quality Management Systems (QMS) define the interaction of contractors and owners in the build or expansion of any building or pressure equipment. TRG can ensure that your QMS follows local regulatory and code requirements, defines the inspection process in the Inspection and Testing Plan (ITP), and that all inspectors and trades have the appropriate licenses, Canadian Welding Board approved welders, Weld Performance Qualifications (WPS) and Performance Qualification Records (PQRs) that are approved by the jurisdictional authority. Furthermore, TRG will ensure that additional provincial requirements relating to certificates of authorization and quality system licenses and authorizations are in place prior to construction.
- CSA B51 Annex F Quality System set up is required for those manufacturers of fittings that do not have a valid ISO QA system or ASME QA system (for example). TRG has assisted numerous companies across the USA to set up their CSA Annex F QA system and to be issued valid QA certificates acceptable across Canada by the Canadian safety authorities towards registration of fittings.
- Titan Research Group’s Rob McGregor, P.Eng becomes vice chair of the ASME B31.3 high purity subcommittee.
- ASME Bioprocessing Equipment Standard 2022 is released.
- Titan Research Group is a proud contributor to the development of the latest ASME BPE 2022 release.
- Rob McGregor, P.Eng continues in the role of Canadian Delegate as contributing member of ASME BPE.
Fall 2020 Newsletter